Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ramblin' on

Well here we are, into the last week of The Lady Miss Roberta's tenure as flatmate. It seems such a long time ago that she moved in and now she's ready to go and move out and get her own place. Fortunately it dovetails well with plans for 2006. With my mother and stepfather moving to Spain and my sister subsequently having no other base in the country it falls to me to make sure that a) my mother and stepfather have somewhere to stay when they come back to the UK which, presumably, they will need to from time to time and b) my sister needs some base of operations for her bank and all other correspondence as well as a physical base for her when she's in the UK. The downside is that our income will fall somewhat so we're going to have to balance up some economies. On the positive side it means that I will be able to meal plan much more effectively so much less wastage there, on the negative there goes the Sky +! Also time to renegotiate the mortgage with the bank. There are so many financial variables at the moment so it's going to be interesting to see how much can be saved as a family.

Anyway buggering off for our Saturday moning/afternoon walk.
