Well that was pretty impressive. Nicely written with good
characterisation and great plot twists and turns.
Great points.
The Children - bloody scary.
Torchwood -
finally seem to be pulled together and coherent. And positive. Hearing Gwen talking about the positives of working for
Torchwood was great. Now I want to see it!
The civil service
elete and
MPs out for themselves and watching their own backs - very topical!
Clement - an interesting damaged character - hopefully more to come.
Dr Rupesh Patanjali - shame! Pretty!
A bomb in Capt Jack! And Torchwood in pieces!
Baby Gwen! Ahhhh!And triple deadlock can't keep out teenagers on a council estate. It was always a rubbish plot device and seeing people mooning at it from the Torchwood truck was great!