Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Departure of The Lady Miss Roberta! (Or 'Get Thee To The Nunnery!)

Another shock, with The Lady rather spontaneously deciding to leave Gay Gables to go and live with three other girls and a 'Landlady' who objects to people 'stopping overnight'. We have come to the conclusion that the place is some kind of nunnery, the 'Landlady' is a Mother Superior and her room is a monastic (or should that be nuntastic!) cell. Needless to say we're getting her 'appropriate' presents. IE a foot long 'Jeff Stryker' a 'tomato' plant and a still.
She's moving this Saturday and it's going to be a bit of a wrench. She'll be around on Sunday for lunch so it fortunately won't be a clean break.

A party has been organised at very short notice for her leaving. The theme is vaguely nuns and I shall be making my Compline Cocktail to obliterate any survivors.

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