Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas analogy.

Hubby and I have just started watching our newly purchased 'Key to Time' boxed set at a story a night. So far we've seen 'The Ribos Operation' which I rather enjoyed and 'The Pirate Planet', a much more crowd pleasing story with some pretty shallow performances and overblown plot. Love it though; there are some great character pieces with the Captain and Xanxia.

It's always felt like a large Christmas meal.

Ribos Operation
The breadsticks and starter - you know there's a good meal coming and are laying down the foundations
Pirate Planet
The wine! Lots of flavor, some which works and some which just jars a bit. Some is a little tasteless and there’s lots of contrast.
Stones of Blood & Androids of Tara
The meat courses. The solid drama in the middle which impressed you and at the end you know it was worth it.
Power of Kroll
An unexpected fish course which smells a bit funny.
Armageddon Factor
A leftover mince pie and sherry stretched for the evening by an unapologetic host. There’s a nice mint at the end though.

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