Friday, February 06, 2009


Facebook is something that has made me wince in places. Most of the time it's a useful tool. You're able to communicate what you need and make easy linkages with friends. Sometimes it's more exposing. I've found people often expressing themselves in writing all to hastily to be wise. I've seen friends pop in and out of their relationships with indecent haste and, in many ways like blogging, they've said some pretty revealing things.

This is good, even though my repressed British spirit does say that it's unsettled.

Often it's about a lack of confidence and self-worth. Sometimes I worry that I'm the most confident person I know and whether that makes me less talented, capable, even insightful than people I recognise as being good and talented people who don't bloody realise it. How oxymoronic is that!

I honestly think that the only thing holding back the universe is a voice in our head going "No one likes you! You're no good at that! Don't try it you'll waste your time! Envy! Jealousy!"

Fight it people. You're worth more than you think. In most cases a lot more!