Friday, July 08, 2005

London is NOT burning.

I've been considering starting one of these for some time but have often wondered if I have the inclination or capability for regular postings. Or for that matter whether the internet would suck out my creative soul..

I realised today that it didn't matter. After the events of the last 14 hours here in London I realised that the main thing was, as many others have, to make my voice heard.

I am so proud to be British! Not through any misplaced patriotism, or without realising some of the abosoultely diabolical history we have.

It's the people. The people who I know. The people who I see on television today. The people who have survived these terrible events and seen things that no one wants to see with resolve and fortitude.

And a sense of.. and this is where it becomes difficult to explain.. mustn't grumble, could be worse or 'Tut'. I'm pretty sure that there's no translation for the terms but it's really the fact that these people carry on. They trim sails and walk home rather than collapsing in the street in hysterics. They smile when they could fear. And they help others and when the cameras fall onto them they say "I only did what anyone would." and avoid the limelight. These people aren't looking for 15 minutes of fame. They're looking to get on with their lives and often help others to do the same.

And it must piss off those who caused this atrocity. For them it must feel like trying to nail jelly to a wall!

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