Saturday, July 09, 2005

A mission to inform

Well, it’s a couple of days after the event and things are pretty much getting back to normal. There are less people tan normal around but after the request on Friday that people stay away from London that would seem reasonable. I have found the media particularly unhelpful over the last couple of days as they try to eke the ‘incident’ out over the weekend. It may seem a bit cynical of me (and of course none of my friends would call me that – bunch of sycophants that they are) but their comments of ‘People are staying away from London. Is it that they’re following the Governments suggestion of staying away or that they’re afraid of another attack’

It’s almost as if they’re hoping for a bit of panic.

The cynical side of me remembers that this is the silly season for the press when normally not much goes on and any minor bit of news is leapt on.

I understand a mission to inform but over the last few years we’ve had so much bullshit over crime being ‘out of control’ and people ‘are afraid to leave their homes’ I often end up feeling that there might be a little scaremongering.

If people were out without fear there would be more people on the streets and probably less crime. Time to reclaim the streets I think.

Maybe not tonight.


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