Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Money, money, money...

I have sometimes felt that many people don’t understand the… well… not the importance of money, but the relevance of money. Him indoors has often suggested that I ‘not cook’ and ‘we’ll order in’ (I hasten to add this is not some commentary on my cooking, more about time spent relaxing). Today I was able to show him the cost of this lunching out lifestyle when I pointed out that bringing in food to work this week has saved us about £40. And that doing this for a working year saves about £1700. Which is a rather luxurious 2 weeks in Thailand.

He’s now rather keen on the Idea.

Next thing… the smoking!


Anonymous said...

Well im sure I have said this before but i have come to now have lunch out on a friday. I normally bring it in with me but I just feel like it starts my weekend of wuite nicely if you know what I mean. But crikey..had no idea how much it would save..

The Goddess Pandemonia said...

Quite. Scary Eh?