Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Inert Child

London Radio had a piece on the fact that the majority of children in London spend less than 1 hour a day outside unsupervised. The rest of the time they are at home, in a car or at school.

When I was brought up I went out from a young age. I walked to Primary School that was over three miles away on my own or with friends. I played in a park about a mile from my house. My mother sent me to the shop to get things for her. I feel that the paranoia, and it is paranoia, about safety does mean that these children will never skin their knees, play on bikes etc. Maybe if more children went out there would be less chance of things happening particularly if some parents went along and supervised.

Most of this paranoia seems to be spread by the media who's obsession with the nightmare of the real world and all the murderers and terrorists does not seem to reflect the reality I see daily. Many people in London are polite, helpful, pleasant and most of the people who are not are mainly so through fear. If you don't talk to people, avoid eye contact you cause others to do the same. If your body language is closed so will that of those around you. No one reacts to anti-social behaviour. If everyone did it would be less prevalent. Reclaim your lives and your world people unless you want to stay inside for the rest of your lives with large locks on the door!

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