Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No relation of mine!

I have always been rather averse to reality TV particularly since there’s no such thing. It’s “Reality Like” TV or more honestly “Reality if everyone in the world was an amoralistic hedonistic egotist with the moral boundaries of a Malteaser and everyone was on camera. Particularly this year I have been avoiding Big Brother 2005 who rather like Bill Gates have turned from an edition number to a year. Now over the last few years the boundaries for this programme have shifted and flexed to the point of breaking. The obvious assumption from people who’ve never seen it is that there’s casual nudity and sexual content as this ‘depraved’ behaviour is apparently particularly disgusting. They would be wrong. The disturbing fact is that the extreme that people have gone to is aggression, bullying and violence. Last year we had some people who were so matched against each other that the Police had to be called. This year we have the worst examples of bullying and coercion with the Saskia/Maxwell gang who behaved like the worst children in the school ground – so much so that they even had a ‘whipping boy’ in Craig, someone who’s lack of self-perception is only matched by his desperate lack of depth. They proceeded to bully him into a subservient state so they could rely on his support and obedience. After they left, Craig revealed his obsession for Anthony who is heterosexual and not blind or deaf so therefore not interested in him. They have proceeded through various floods of tears (Craig’s) and some surprisingly restrained behaviour (Anthony) to argue over Craig’s demands, Craig’s petty jealousy and Craig’s apologies, which go something like this. “I’m sorry I hit you but I thought you were going to flip out about the glass I put in your food to prevent you talking to anyone else so I think I was fully justified in hitting you with a table leg and it was an accident so I think you should apologise for your complete overreaction!”

That kind of mentality worries me because it is completely obvious to everyone that the person is in the wrong but they would feel that they weren’t. Worse still is the fact that they’ll often be wrong because their reaction prevents the process called ‘Learning’.

And I want to slap him. But I fear I would have to join a queue.

It annoys me that the programme (which I hasten to add I rarely watch, mainly at the instigation of my partner) gets to me in such a fundamental way.
It makes me think that Doctor Who was right and that killing the evictees is the only way to end the madness. And clean the gene pool at the same time.

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