Saturday, October 22, 2005

Not so much burning from both ends, more like candles on a bonfire!

It has occurred to me that despite my best intentions we have had guests every single day this week. All impromptu and all very welcome but ultimately unexpected. We have more tonight and possibly Friday. Relax at the weekend? Brighton with friends this Saturday and hopefully seeing my friend Nosh who I haven’t seen properly for months! Next week? Orlando (my hubby) starting a new job in the same place I work and some expected visits by some people we haven't seen in ages. Then visiting the in-laws, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night etc.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Well it’s been a little while since I updated mainly due to a whole combination of circumstances. I had several cases of bad news (that relates to other people so I won’t discuss it here without their agreement). I then went down with Salmonella food poisoning and a rather sensitive stomach, which, for me, takes a bit of getting used to as normally it’s like a galvanised bucket. I’ve had far more days off sick than I’d like and tried going into work yesterday and, well, the only appropriate word I can give is “BLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOORRRRRP!” from my stomach, so I came home. Today I sit tucked up with dry toast and water.

I’ve had more fun in my life.

On the other hand, everyone is being very supportive, particularly since they’re all down with colds.

Oh well, Bird Flu on the way. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to fill in the Blog again before I expire!