Thursday, July 09, 2009

Torchwood 3

Well, what a suprise. Capt Jack's a bad guy. Why is everyone suprised?

Anyway, more corridors and posturing. Still good to see the team back together and thieving as well. Quite fun.

A friend suggested that the 456 are Zarbi with a cold. I thought Zarbi with Swine Flu.

##Yesss## Splash of Mucus. Maybe melted children are Zarbi linctus?

Give us 10% or you're all dead? If you can do that, why not just take 10%? Why chat about it?

Torchwood 2

Well, another good episode - more of a corridor story than advancing too much but some good 'feeehulings' stuff with the families.

And Jack's grandchild. Just the one?

And they're not doing too much bitching at each other.

And Jack had his cock out - finally. I get the impression that Mr Barrowman has been glued into his outfit in order to prevent repeated nudity. He looked like he was having fun anyway.

And. Sloooooowest escape ever!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Children of Earth

Well that was pretty impressive. Nicely written with good characterisation and great plot twists and turns.

Great points.

The Children - bloody scary.
Torchwood - finally seem to be pulled together and coherent. And positive. Hearing Gwen talking about the positives of working for Torchwood was great. Now I want to see it!
The civil service elete and MPs out for themselves and watching their own backs - very topical!
Clement - an interesting damaged character - hopefully more to come.
Dr Rupesh Patanjali - shame! Pretty!
A bomb in Capt Jack! And Torchwood in pieces!
Baby Gwen! Ahhhh!

And triple deadlock can't keep out teenagers on a council estate. It was always a rubbish plot device and seeing people mooning at it from the Torchwood truck was great!