Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas analogy.

Hubby and I have just started watching our newly purchased 'Key to Time' boxed set at a story a night. So far we've seen 'The Ribos Operation' which I rather enjoyed and 'The Pirate Planet', a much more crowd pleasing story with some pretty shallow performances and overblown plot. Love it though; there are some great character pieces with the Captain and Xanxia.

It's always felt like a large Christmas meal.

Ribos Operation
The breadsticks and starter - you know there's a good meal coming and are laying down the foundations
Pirate Planet
The wine! Lots of flavor, some which works and some which just jars a bit. Some is a little tasteless and there’s lots of contrast.
Stones of Blood & Androids of Tara
The meat courses. The solid drama in the middle which impressed you and at the end you know it was worth it.
Power of Kroll
An unexpected fish course which smells a bit funny.
Armageddon Factor
A leftover mince pie and sherry stretched for the evening by an unapologetic host. There’s a nice mint at the end though.

Christmas Chin

Here we are with Christmas fast approaching. Expanding waistlines abound! Good news has arrived as my stepfather has recovered enough to return home. It's been a pretty worrying time as he was the only family driver. My sister can now drive, thankfully and has helped out but I feel unexpectedly useless! Note to self: must learn to drive for independence purposes! We're due to visit for a week from 22nd which should be lovely and it looks like we'll be able to spend weeks at a time out there which is better than the previous long weekends.

I can't express how much I'm looking forward to it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


It's been an interesting weekend in Spain. My stepfather is in hospital due to an unexplained unidentified illness which has left him anemic and with a swollen spleen. They’re still checking to see what it is but there is a disease which could cause it. It's called leachonosis. It's a disease which goats have. Dogs can catch it from them via insect bites as can humans. It sounds like doggy malaria. It can be treated in humans but dogs can never be cured. It's awful but we are hoping it is this condition as it shouldn't leave any lasting damage. Frankly I don't want to consider the alternatives.

The strangest thing is, I haven't heard of it! It's quite common but most people don't know about it. It's like visiting France and finding that smallpox is endemic or that the dormouse is a lethal killer. You think it would have come up but hasn’t!

Anyway, Spain was good otherwise. My sister ended up driving and she did really well as she's still only getting into Driving again after a short lapse.

However we did take the piss a bit.
She managed to get the car stuck in the mud and we had to get towed out.
She mounted the kerb on a roundabout.
She nearly took us to Roqettas del mar rather than home after she went the wrong way up the motorway.
She made up a song about finding a policeman up her bum after finding exactly that on the motorway.

So that was nice!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Miscelany

Well, a bits been going on. We enjoyed the rest of the S-J Adventures. I visited my delightful sister out in the sticks and went mushroom picking with her. Had a great time with them - much relaxation and seeing a film called The Scanner Darkly and also the marvelous Life of Brian.

On my return to London I found my chest to still be very congested. It's been a bit grotty for a while, so I popped to my local surgery.

I have to take antibiotics as I have 'fluid' on the lungs - nice!

It at least explains why I've been feeling run down of late!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Last night we had the inestimable Rob over for paprika Pork and cheesecake and a viewing of the latest Sarah Jane Adventures.

Wow. I don’t think we were expecting anything out of the ordinary but, well, Wow.

It was clever, atmospheric, scary, sinister, painful, superbly acted and, frankly has the kind of production values any adult drama should aspire to. As far as the content we had parallel universes, sinister aliens, magic boxes, time travel.

And the interesting inclusion of the Graske.

I thought Jane Asher was superb! A sympathetic character who is also a little bit nasty to save her own skin.

And for Sarah Jane to live – it appears she must die.

How’s that for Children’s telly?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good Gravy!

It's been a bit of a week. We decided, this week, to have a quiet time for a change. Rather sadly this has not gone to plan.

On Wednesday the brother of ‘He who must be obeyed’ had a rather nasty car crash. He’s fine – which is a miracle – but his car is a write-off.

Thursday was a day spent manicaly sorting out some of the filing which hasn’t been doen for about 5 years. It’s rathe unsatisfying as nothing looks better unless you look inside the filing cabinet. However it took several hours and there’s more around the house to dispose of.

Saturday we did a flying trip to Letchworth to make sure everyone was OK, so lots of running around.

Sunday, a friend of us split up with his boyf. Rather nastly and worrisome and, though I’m happy to support, frankly very stressful and pressured.

And now I’m back at work again!

Friday, October 19, 2007


We may have a strike on our hands. UNISON are considering one after a pretty measly pay increase offer from those who have decided that they deserve proportionaly more than we mere mortals.

Despite being a union man I tend to find strikes irritating. It has to be said it’s blackmail. That said it’s not unethical. It has been an effective way of demonstrating that employees should not merely be entitled to existence but should receive appropriate recompense for their work and reasonable conditions to work under. The downside is that there are some who would hijack those aims for their own ends. Bob Crowe and his ilk being a case in point.

Unfortunately the Post Office requires reform as the nature of communication changes. The previous terms and conditions most of us can only dream of and many of us would not want as we can see they’re plainly excessive. However some areas are clearly over managed and have introduced ways in which the new managers are paid disproportional more than the people who actually do the work.

We, for example, are having a number of changes imposed upon us by people who believe they should be exempt from such impositions themselves.

MP’s are to get 4 additional days leave next year.
They have protected pensions which allow them to retire earlier than public sector workers with a much better pay level.
They take higher than inflation pay rises.

They are also employed by us. And yet we don’t get to limit their pay increases.

If they really felt so strongly about these issues they would ensure that they set an example rather than ‘we deserve this but you probably don’t so you won’t get it’.

Hence, huge frustration from people and strikes. Unless it’s Bob Crowe and then a sunny day is all the reason you need.

How cynical am I?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Well this is my 101st post so in the spirit of Room 101 (the TV Programme concept rather than '1984'). I would get some trivial things I'd like to put in Room 101.


First off

Dame Shirley Porter - would you believe I typed Shitley when I touch typed her name. A millionairess who effectively stole council houses to swing a political party's vote and who appears to have pretty much got away with it.


Wasps - what can I say.

And Finaly

Dishonest Politicians. I know that means all of them but what the hell. Let's see how it goes without them.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I have finally been goaded into going on Facebook. It's quite interesting and I've caught u with a few people I've lost contact with. However it all seems a little trivial and boy is there some crap on there. I've been Vamped, Werewolfed and Zombied; Hugged, poked and had sheep thrown at me. It all seems a little surreal and I'm not sure where I'm going with it. The communication system seems a bit clunky. I can see it's a good thing generally but in some ways can leave you strangely isolated when you run into friends who've lost contact with you, or cut you off unexpectedly.

And I'm not sure I like the feeling.

Don't hold grudges and forgive the past if the will is there. That's a rule to live by.

More positively I can say that so far no problem!

I thought I'd give you some interesting facts...

In descending order of weights...
And then into the atomic scale
ITV NewsMistress
Light (Massless Wave Particle)
ITV WeatherGirl

The (No)One show

Yes - the very random pilot UK wide current affairs fluff and gristle fest that was The One Show has returned as - shockingly - The One Show. The basis of the show, as I have previously mentioned, is Nationwide a programme that ran through the 70's and early 80's and presented local events of whimsy to the nation. Who can forget Frank "Coke and a tart" Bough or Sue "...fart" Lawley. They were cuddly and lovely then - back in the dark time before celebrities had ophthalmoscopes shoved up their arse to see it all flushed out. It was nice sweaters and nasty but subtle jewelry.

Now we have the excrable Adrian Chiles mubling and being insulting to many guests. (yesterday in an assessment of male and female characteristics he described women as “poor women” which is a little insulting to say the least.) With him is his latest babe. The babe often is a much better presenter than Chiles but is “supporting him” which I cannot understad for the life of me.

And then there are the topics. For a number of weeks we have had programmes on clouds. It involves pretty much just looking at the sky. Nice, but if you want to do it, go outside! Don’t watch it on TV!

We may have already passed the point where Frank would have said – come on this is really cheap TV for the test signal viewers out there!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I can’t decide, whether you should live or die….

Utopia – Up!
The Sound of Drums – Up!
Last of the Time Lords – Crash and burn…

I have already read a number of reviews glowing in praise for the show called Doctor Who. As a lifelong fan I almost feel guilty for feeling the way I do. Indeed some fans have already told me I’m wrong! It’s particularly for Last of the Time Lords. There have been some great stories this season. I enjoyed Evolution of the Daleks, despite some shortcomings that have been commented far and wide by reviewers. Utopia – a joy just for seeing Derek Jacobi being wonderful and Masterley! Then The Sound of Drums – a great preamble for the finale, the Doctor completely at the mercy of the Master! At the end where the Toclafane descend to ‘decimate’ you know that the timeline has been altered – you know the TARDIS, as a paradox machine, is allowing the alterations to be made. You know there will be a ‘none of it ever happened’ speech at the end. As Doctor Who deals with time travel those endings are allowed – not like ‘he woke up and it was all a dream’ as the events did occur.

Sadly it then lost its way. What should have been an action packed fast paced episode just… wasn’t!

One year later…

Which is fine. Great to see some time spent setting things up and we start to get a perspective on what the Master has done. Some nice ‘apocalyptic Earth’ settings with people hiding. The Professor who was introduced immediately reminded me of Mrs Moore from Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel and sadly was used about as well. The chap playing the paediatrician did OK – nothing standing out too much, which is worrying as people are hinting he might be the next companion. Honestly Russell, you can employ someone you haven’t worked with before! Nice build up with the gun – though it does make no sense that the 4 chemicals were stored separately around the world. Again – the betrayal worked well… all good so far..

Meanwhile the Doctor gets to be old. Martha’s family working as servants around him. Jack, still immortal chained up. And what have they done in the space of a year. Attempted a revolt – presumably only the one which fails badly and for quite obvious reasons. And then the Doctor is reduced Golem in a cage. He even seems more active than when he was aged 100 years. And he keeps saying “think about what you are doing.” Not the best way to solve the problem.

Martha is captured and we find out the gun was a blind – good! It made no sense and was never going to be too easy to use. And now the Doctor’s brilliant plan comes to the fore. If enough people believe in the Doctor, the magic psychic energy will rejuvenate him and give him floaty power…. What?

It’s not been hinted at, at all! I mean no odd psychic occurrences when, say, Japan was fried? That should have kicked up something surely.

Time winds back – the paradox reverted.

The Toclafane – humans from Utopia who made themselves into mad spherical Cybermen are trapped at the end of the universe.


The end of the universe and it was all pointless? No way out? Just madness and the end? What a downer from all that hope in Utopia!

The Master is left weeping on the floor in the Doctors arms. The Doctor says “I forgive you.”


Being the last of the Time Lords must be not too much fun but… What!

This is a man – rightly pointed out by Martha’s mum who killed billions of people.

I mean billions! And that was just this time. Let’s see if we can work our way back.

He killed hundreds if not thousands in the 3rd Doctor’s era.

No end of Time Lords in the Deadly Assassin

Several people on Traken in the Keeper of Traken

Oh yes – a good portion of the Universe in Logopolis.

And that was all some time ago….

I’m sorry, if I was Martha’s mum I would have shot him and then said – I’ve only killed one person, going to forgive me now?

The Doctor seems to have become this creature of the most diabolical double standards. How can he imprison the Family of Blood in such terrible circumstances and then say come and live with me in the TARDIS.

How can he complain about anyone wanting to extend their lifespan when the only reason the Master exists is that he was resurrected to fight the Time War. But that’s OK. He used those skills and powers to abuse people. And that’s fine too! He has killed people wilfully for entertainment. That’s OK as well?

Now what would have happened if he’d killed Rose?

It makes no sense. None at all.

I’m sorry; the Master is the Universes most prolific mass murderer. No second chances? Unless he’s a Time Lord? I’m just frustrated with this sloppiness with the writing and character. I also don’t like ‘magical’ endings with esoteric powers used – particularly with no preamble. We’ve had three. One for each climax of the season. It just galls me no end.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The future lies this way....

Well, a bit of a gap and now I'm back...

Just been enjoying Doctor Who - Blink. Excellent! Just what a Doctor Who story should be - but without the Doctor, pretty much. Indeed clever reuse of the DVD meant even less than it appeared. Good characters and a good pace. The only quibble is the friend disappearing felt a tiny bit 'Oh, well.' She, had lost her friend rather permanently. Otherwise I can't really fault it.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Cold and wet

Another day, another cold. Yes I've been bitten again! It's another bloody cold and just in the middle of the School Census at work. And know I know my coordination and focus is all up the spout. Off to bed for hibernation again. And you wouldn't believe hos many tiumwes ive retypex this bloody medsdage! That last was typed without correction at all.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fishy Weather

.. and let all those who dwel in the house of "Met Department" chant the words "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way... well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't!" until the storm abates.

Yes another blast from the Atlantic, this time with winds recorded up to 99mph. Of course from most of western and northern Scotland's point of view a gentle breeze but for us in England a Typhoon of unimaginable proportions followed by Armageddon with wind and waves and tiles down. Of course it has been pretty bad but we saw it coming and still had problems. Trees on the line are due to trees being allowed to grow to big and too close to the line. Leaves are caused by the same thing so a bit of management along the lines wouldn't go amiss. Roofs down caused by poor design. Scaffolding wobbling as plastic sheeting covering it caught the wind. Generally the wind wasn't too bad and many problems were of our own making.

The press love it though. It's almost knocked the Big Brother racism allegations off the front pages - I wonder what is going on at the moment that is not being reported, I really do. What bad news is being buried at the moment?


I felt very confused at the last couple of episodes of Torchwood. Sorry I may rant! Capt Jack Harkness Cute wasn’t he? A nice simple episode that would have been much better slightly earlier in the season with greater and greater disturbances in the rift. Oddly though no mention of the events in the execrable Fight Club episode ‘Combat’ and his bestial intimidation of the Weevils by Owen who suddenly decided that opening the rift was the way to get his girlfriend back.. We had no real explanation of the equation which could get them back and no real explanation of why they were there. Bilas had no real back story which was a real shame given his pivotal nature. Lovely chap playing Jack and the dance was very sweet if, sadly, bollocks. Still don’t know quite what happened at the end with smoky time tunnel. End of Days - Potentially a good start with people dropping out of time and diseases showing up. Sadly it went downhill from there…All of them received visitations from people they knew telling them to open the rift apart from Gwen, who had her boyfriend killed by the man who suggested that she open the rift. Jack didn’t get a visit. I have no idea why any of them listened to any of the visitations without working out that someone with no good in mind wanted the rift open. Also why any of them thought opening the rift would put things right is logic that is questionable at best. (The fact that it did is even more questionable). The beast rose and sadly was not terribly well executed. The best bit of it was the life sucking shadow. I just wish they’d done what Doctor Who always used to do (and occasionally still does) which is create a cheap monster by being inventive. You hear me Mr Davies? INVENTIVE! That doesn’t mean creating space ships over London/Cardiff, huge Dalek/Cybermen battles etc. It sometimes means having an invasion that’s a bit more subtle. Or open to different interpretation. One thing I liked about the original Doctor Who was that invasions went unnoticed. People were paralysed, away from the events etc which always more plausible. I was entertained by the Runaway Bride but it clearly showed where the major plot problems were going to be with Donna having a hangover and missing the Sycorax and then being in Spain so missing the Daleks and Cybermen. And now we have The Sarah Jane Adventures where they ‘don’t believe in aliens’ which, if they’d had Cybermen in the house they should have been easily convinced.Anyway, the story so far, half of Cardiff is trampled or had the life sucked out of it. I wonder if that’ll come up at some time. Jack has the life bestowed by Bad Wolf sucked out of him conveniently (which does imply that Rose planned the whole thing) and we don’t know whether he’s human again or not. Everyone is forgiven for their part in destroying most of Cardiff and trying to kill Jack. Then he gets whisked away by the Doctor which is a bit weak It’s a bit weird that Gwen ‘knows’ he’s been taken rather than checking the rest of the base and the whole thing seemed a bit tacked on. Honestly I just wished they’d picked up Jack in Doctor Who rather than have him leave in Torchwood.

Deep blue ocean, deep blue ocean, deep blue ocean! There, that's better. Sorry for the rant but I've been getting quite annoyed with Torchwood's chopping and changing of story priorities. I thought that the idea of someone in control was to keep control rather than run in several directions at one. Worrying when Sarah Jane seems much more interesting and has people reacting in a vaguely normal manner to each other. I mean, there was none of the characters either snogging each other without lead up or getting hugely angsty! Good for you Liz!