Monday, October 29, 2007

Good Gravy!

It's been a bit of a week. We decided, this week, to have a quiet time for a change. Rather sadly this has not gone to plan.

On Wednesday the brother of ‘He who must be obeyed’ had a rather nasty car crash. He’s fine – which is a miracle – but his car is a write-off.

Thursday was a day spent manicaly sorting out some of the filing which hasn’t been doen for about 5 years. It’s rathe unsatisfying as nothing looks better unless you look inside the filing cabinet. However it took several hours and there’s more around the house to dispose of.

Saturday we did a flying trip to Letchworth to make sure everyone was OK, so lots of running around.

Sunday, a friend of us split up with his boyf. Rather nastly and worrisome and, though I’m happy to support, frankly very stressful and pressured.

And now I’m back at work again!

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