Saturday, April 05, 2008

...and a new beginning!

Doctor Who. Glad to have it back and a good fun reintroductory romp with Donna and the Doctor. Both paralelling themselves to the point at which they meet, and rather unfortunately do so in front of the baddie. Mis Foster - well it was Miss Wormwood wasn't it. Great but I've seen it before. The Adipose are sweet and frankly I can think of some dieters who would be happy to take the pills if they'd just take the fat. The drop and subsequent splat of Miss Foster was a bit heavy handed and the cheesy flypast was, well, cheesy. Overall it was really a Sarah Jane Adventures with the Doctor.

At least until Rose.

And Rose - well we'd heard she was back but weren't expecting it this end of the season. It looked like she was waiting for Donna and looked so upset.

Maybe she knows something about Donna's future.

If she has one...

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