Saturday, April 05, 2008

An ending...

Torchwood was a bit of a blast last night. Visually very impressive and with some peril that could've been lifted from the Jon/Tom era - exploding nuclear power station. No explanation for the strange voiced scythemen.

And then we sadly come to the downside. Gray - Cpt Jack's baby brother. Back for revenge for having his hand let go of a few years (relative time) back. Motivation, sure but surely not really a Big Bad for the series end. Did some terrible things but hey! How quickly did he get over it? And Jack buried for 2000 years. He said he had a bit of grey here and there after 100 years waiting for the Doctor yet after 2000 years in a box he seemed pretty OK. And again with the I forgive you. He's killed #~@{}_+ >@}@~}:@> of people including Torchwood members and 'I forgive you'. And how quick did he get over his brotherly anger.

The death scenes, particularly Tosh's were handled superbly but I have to say that I would prefer a stronger motivation and better characterisation of a villan character. How many people who've suffered torture go on to blow up major cities when they want to get their own back on someone. And where do you get a Weevil remote control.

Bless...poor Tosh.

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