Tuesday, March 11, 2008

La Hoya/Herradura

Well it's been a lovely time. 8 days of sunshine and 24+C, it's been glorious. On our visit this time we had.
Mother chair jiving
Karaoke in the style of Opera
Albondigas coming out of our ears.
A Gigantic puppy
Hubby on fire.
Lunch in the Chapel
Gossip of a drunken fight
Combat Bingo.
So you can see we had a bit of a full week.

Blueberry Blow up
What could happen on the way home? Really. Yes I was traveling with my partner, Diva Stropp to you. If you've read these missives you'll know that a simple journey is impossible.

Accident's this journey
Pouring a blueberry smoothie over his entire seating area, leg and socks.

My life is a tragicomedy!

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